Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lactic Cheese

This was REALLY fun to do, easy, and the cheese actually turned out! Lactic cheese is a type of cream cheese - maybe a little sweeter and softer. Since it only took 24 hours, I was able to have some for lunch today. I put a chunk on some Italian bread that I made yesterday - delicious! I did make a couple of small mistakes, so I'll be making this again before I move on to another type of cheese. It was a little too soft, so next time I need to use a little more rennet (I'm using a vegetarian version). Also, I think I slightly over-salted - but I'm waiting for Phil to confirm this opinion..... Regardless, the next time I make this I will post the recipe and pictures of every step. In case anyone is interested, I got my cheese-making supplies from the New England Cheese Making Supply Company ( For this recipe in particular you need a thermometer, mesophilic starter, liquid rennet, unchlorinated H2O, and butter muslin.

This recipe and some of the others I'll be trying came from Home Cheese Making: Recipes for 75 Delicious Cheeses by Ricki Carroll.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Hello. My name is Lisa. I've never made cheese and I've never kept a blog, but for some reason today I decided to try both. I have a growing fascination with artisan cheeses and thought it would be fun to learn how to make my own at home, so today I gave it a shot. I'm in the process of making lactic cheese - the simplest recipe I could find. A good starting point, I figured.... As I try out new recipes, I'd like to use this blog to record the recipes, jot down notes, and just generally keep track of my experiences. Bear with me as I struggle with both the recipes and the blogging..... The lactic cheese is supposed to only take about 24 hours, so I'll provide an update of how everything turned out tomorrow!